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Summer Kids Classes

A summer of creative adventure awaits! 🌟🎨 Our drop-off art classes for kids in my vibrant garage art studio and backyard in Walnut Creek, CA, are packed with excitement and inspiration. From painting to sculpting, young artists will unleash their imagination and create amazing masterpieces in a fun, inspiring environment.



Email me the class/date/time/name of the student you are registering and I’ll follow up to confirm.


July 2-3

Half Day Art Camp


$174 (for 2 half-days)
At art camp, students will explore a range of art mediums and materials, including but not limited to air dry clay, acrylic paint, watercolor, collaged papers, and ink painting. We will do both process and project-based art. Students will learn various techniques and develop their art terminology while developing their fine motor skills.


9- 9:15 AM: Arrival, morning welcome & warm up activity
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM:  Artmaking
10-11: Snack break & outdoor games
11-11:45: Artmaking
11:45 Wrap-up, clean-up, and dismissal
12pm pick up


The daily schedule might change slightly depending on the project, but that’s part of the fun and ensuring the best experience for our campers.


All art materials and aprons are provided, but not food due to allergy concerns. Please send a nut-free snack and a refillable water bottle. 


Please send your child in clothes they can get messy since we will be using lots of fun materials and potentially will do some light water play. 


Things to note:
This is a drop off class
Because of the limited capacity I do not offer refunds for missed classes after registering
Parents/guardians/caretakers should remain outside of the studio while the class is in session. You are welcome to come into the artmaking space during drop off and pick up. I live very close to the bike path and open space so it is a great opportunity for a nice walk.


8-12yrs Workshops 130-330pm (3).png

Drop-in 4-7yrs & 8-10yrs

Check back for new dates


Mixed Media


Students explore a range of art mediums and create fun finished projects, including printmaking, painting, collage, and sculpture.





*must register to attend


Check back for new dates

8-10 Yrs

Mixed Media 


Students explore a range of art mediums and create fun finished projects, including printmaking, painting, collage, and sculpture.





*must register to attend




Email me the class/date/time/name of the student you are registering and I’ll follow up to confirm.


Location: Woodlands Neighborhood Walnut Creek in my garage art studio, exact address provided upon registration


Payments Accepted:


Things to note:

These are drop off classes

Because of the limited capacity I do not offer refunds for missed classes after registering

Parents/guardians/caretakers should remain outside of the studio while the class is in session. You are welcome to come into the artmaking space during drop off and pick up. I live very close to the bike path and open space so it is a great opportunity for a nice walk.


Landa Ruen Art | Workshops, Classes, & Curated Art Kits

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Walnut Creek, CA

© 2023 Landa Ruen Art

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